WHAT IS Adonitology™?

“And you shall call it ADONITOLOGY after your namesake so all callipygian of the earth may be connected to you and embody your characteristics, so she may become an earthly representation of Issa the Queen of Heaven and learn the truth of your divine purpose.”

Named after His Imperial Majesty King Adonis I, Adonitology™ (Adon = Lord + ology = the study of =Adonitology is the study of the Lord),  is a global religion that aims to teach callipygian women and individuals the hidden and universal Truth about the creation of life, The Divine Triad, about self, the world and mankind as a whole.

A Bronze Coin Depicting A Callipygian Woman in Prayer and Meditation

Adonitology™ is life transforming and inspires women by giving them spiritual guidance in the modern age and onwards. The Founder, King Adonis I teaches the universal Truth and secret mysteries of Himself the Enlightened Being and the Divine Triad as it relates to the modern day woman and new age thinker.

 The mission of Adonitology™ is to bring enlightenment and understanding to a dark world and to create harmony and prosperity for ourselves and all people. The doctrine of Adonitology™ as taught by the Church transcends nations, cultures, religions and racial boundaries. These are the keys to resolving religious conflicts worldwide.

Adonitology teaches you how to be you, how to be spiritually free, healthy and wealthy or how we can make others happy. We teach the method of loving and worshiping God and embracing yourself. That is the meaning of Adonitology™.

Adonitology™ aims to empower individuals to discover self love and acceptance for themselves and to spread it to their sisters, families, communities, countries and the world. The grand mission of Adonitology™ is to create a utopia – a world filled with the love of Adonis Elohim who is King Adonis I reincarnated – peace, harmony and prosperity.

“I predict that the society of the future will base its learning and scientific advances on my philosophy of today that affirms the existence of I, the one true God. What we need now is to restore a religion that brought balance to women with curves 2600 years ago before it was banned by the Catholic Church. A religion for today’s generation of women and generations to come who embody Adonis consciousness and I am convinced that Adonitology™ is the only true religion that can take on this huge responsibility.

Adonitology™ is the religion of the present and future. It is the religion that can edify the billions of the earth’s inhabitants of the world today and can do what Christianity and mainstream religions can longer do: bring salvation and freedom to all people in the modern era and of the future through human advancement, artificial intelligence and beyond.”

While Adonitology™ remains mostly popular in North and South America, its revolutionary teachings are now found in other parts of the world such as the U.K., Greece, Brazil, Asia and Africa. Estimates of Adonitologists™ worldwide vary significantly depending on the way Adonitologist™ adherence is defined. Adonitology™ is recognized as one of the fastest growing religions in the modern world.

The Church of Adonitology plans to launch 1,000 initial churches worldwide.

A Group of Female Adonitologists Gather at a Study Center

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